Hello Friends, I'm Merajul Islam Naim. Welcome you on Naim's Diary.
About this video:
(ECA) Extracurricular Activities are one of the most important qualification to study abroad with scholarship. This video is for the students who want to stufdy abroad with scholarship from Bangladesh. So I've explained 4 ways of extracurricular activities in this video. ECA is not only important for higher study abroad but also it can help you in your future careers.
বাংলাদেশী ছাত্রছাত্রীদের ECA খুব একটা থাকে না। তাই কিভাবে ECA সংগ্রহ করবেন তার ৪ টি উপায় এই ভিডিওতে আলোচনা করেছি। এই ৪ টি সহজ ECA যেকেউ একটু ইফর্ট দিলেই করতে পারবে এবং বিষয়গুলো ইন্টারেস্টিং ও।
So if you want to study abroad from Bangladesh this video can be very helpful.
#eca #extracurricularactivities #extracurriculars
#studyabroad #students #study #education
Your Queries:
Extracurricular Activties
How to get ECA
How to get Extracurricular Activities
What is extracurricular activities
What is ECA
ECA কি
কিভাবে ECA সংগ্রহ করবো
ECA কোথায় পাব
কিভাবে ECA পাবো
Study Abroad
Study Abroad from Bangladesh
Higher study from Bangladesh
ECA for Scholarship
Free courses:
1. Digital Marketing: https://academy.hubspot.com/courses/digital-marketing
2. Meta Foundation AR in coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/foundations-of-ar
3. Google : https://www.cloudskillsboost.google
4. https://university.webflow.com/courses/webflow-101
5. WHO online courses: https://openwho.org/courses/
6. Open learn courses: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue
7. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-in/training/courses/az-900t00?wt.mc_id=studentamb_335523
8. Unicef courses: https://agora.unicef.org/local/catalogue/index.php
Music: Positive Folk Guitar
Musician: NyLon, Extracurricular Activties, How to get ECA, How to get Extracurricular Activities, What is extracurricular activities, What is ECA, ECA কি, কিভাবে ECA সংগ্রহ করবো, ECA কোথায় পাব, কিভাবে ECA পাবো, Study Abroad, Study Abroad from Bangladesh, Higher study from Bangladesh, ECA for Scholarship